
Persian cat, 2021.


Portrait of a peke-faced Persian cat (Felis catus). This is a brachycephalic breed, with a shortened skull that often results in problems with breathing and eye discharge. They have thick, fine coats that require human assistance to stay clean and mat-free.

Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) botanical illustration, 2021.

Graphite and watercolor.

Snowdrops are an early-blooming spring perennial. They have simple flowers, that display most basic features of flower anatomy, but lack sepals. They are classified as monocots due to their parallel leaf veins and trifold symmetry of the flowers and fruit.

Welcome Brood X! 2021.

Pen, watercolor, and colored pencil.

The great Eastern Brood of periodical cicadas (Magicicada sp.) emerged in 2021! This amazing event demonstrates an ecological strategy known as predator satiation; because there are so many cicadas in the breeding year, their predators cannot possibly eat them all, ensuring that at least some will survive to reproduce.

Wattled curassow, 2021.


Portrait of a female wattled curassow (Crax globulosa). Curassows are a group of large-bodied birds native to South and Central American rainforests. They primarily eat fruit, but will supplement their diets with other foods. Little is yet known about their ecology, evolution, or behavior due to lack of data, although captive individuals are described as bold and curious. Sadly most curassow species are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching, and without timely intervention they will take their secrets to their graves.

Burying Beetles, 2021

Pen and watercolor.

The American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) is a large, black and orange beetle known for working in pairs to bury small animal corpses to feed their young. The beetle is sadly endangered due to loss of habitat and food items, and despite a lack of recovery, it recently was stripped of legal protections. Insect biodiversity is in worldwide decline, and we must protect key habitat. Contact your representatives to re-enact protection for this beautiful insect.

River Fish of Georgia, 2019.

Pen and acrylic.

A small selection of fish found in freshwater systems of GA, USA. Here we have two species of sunfish (redbreast and warmouth), bullhead catfish, creek chubsucker, pirate perch, redfin pickerel, mosquitofish, and longnose gar.